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Syallbus - Advanced Integrated Course on Information Technology and Soft Skills (MCS Course)

Syallbus - Advanced Integrated Course on Information Technology and Soft Skills    
(MCS Course)

Overall Objective of Advanced Integrated Course on Information Technology and
Soft Skills (MCS Course): The Management and Communication Skills course is
designed with an idea that at the end of the session, each and every student is
well‐equipped to cope up with the challenges of the global competitive
environment. The course aims to impart training to translate the challenges into
rewarding opportunities.

I. Further sharpen communication  and presentation skills

II. Further develop inter‐personal and leadership skills

III. Provide an understanding of contemporary business environment and

IV. Overall, prepare him/her for a career either in employment or in practice, by
educating them to be adaptable and accountable.  

The Advanced Integrated Course on Information Technology and Soft Skills (MCS
Course) aims to impart training to translate such challenges into rewarding



a. Winning Communication Strategy, How to use Official communication
judiciously on Social Media

b. Management of Meetings, Mock Meetings, Written communication –
official letters, reports, minutes, legal documents (to sensitise students as
to what falls within the scope as a CA to provide expertise/advise), press
release (to emphasize on the guidelines, code of ethics to be followed while
using and form of Press), compliance (firm specific).


a. The Anatomy of a Successful Presentation

b. Technique for Structuring Content that resonates with your audience

c. Technique for Structuring Content when you are presenting to Senior

d. Strategies for Structuring Content

e. Do’s and Don’ts in Presentation Skills
f. Tips on Creating Good Slides


a. Interpersonal Effectiveness, Assertiveness Skills & Perception

b. Art of Negotiation, Conflict Management, Leadership Skills, Human &
Organizational Behavioural Approach.

c. IQ vs. EQ vs. MQ, Building Versatility & Adaptability, Understanding one’s
Attitude, Gender Sensitivity.

d. Client Interfacing, Stress Management
(All the topics in this section would be discussed with the help of Case
Studies, you tube videos and other free ware for learning/teaching can be


a. Workshop on Team Building for a Strong synergy and harmony‐  How to
build successful teams and how to build teamwork culture.

b. How to market self, Compliance, Ethics, Penalty for Non‐compliance

c. Role and qualities of a Leader

d. Professional Opportunities for CAs, Enhancing Opportunities for Women
Members ‐ Identifying emerging areas for upliftment of women members
wherein they can contribute their services for their professional growth.


a. Professional attire, Managing business meetings Business lunch / dinner /
parties, Table etiquettes, How etiquettes are essential both at the personal
and professional level, Rules for business etiquettes, Do’s and  Don’ts while
interacting with government officials and other dignitaries.

a. Basic etiquette at the office ‐ Hand shake, Interview etiquette, Non Verbal
communication‐  Why is it important, Understanding the movement and
body language etc.


a. CV writing CV evaluation workshop, Group Discussion‐  Tips and Practice,
interview‐ Tips and Practice.

b. Mock Interviews

c. Focus on Deliverables/Value addition

d. Focus on Client Orientation/Satisfaction

a. Understanding strategic thinking

b. Strategies in Business and Business Models


a. Ethics‐  meaning & nature, Ethics in profession, Belongingness towards
Profession, How to work ethically

b. Fundamental Principles of Professional Ethics for Professional Accountants‐ 
integrity, objectivity, professional competence & due care, confidentiality &
professional behaviour.

c. Threats to Fundamental Principles‐ self‐interest threats, self‐review threats,
advocacy threats, familiarity threats & intimidation threats.

d. Safeguards that reduce Threats to Fundamental Principles‐  safeguards
created by the profession, legislation or regulation and safeguards in the
work environment.

e. Ethical Conflict Resolution

f. Professional or other Misconduct‐  definition; professional or other
misconduct by the members as provided in the Schedules.

g. Disciplinary Action‐ Members liable to disciplinary action under section 21 of
the Chartered Accountants Act if found guilty of any professional or other
misconduct; procedure in inquiries for disciplinary matters relating to
misconduct of the members of the Institute.

h. Case Study‐ Case studies on clauses of Schedules.
Note: All instructions in the Technical subjects shall be case study based


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